Scimitar Horned Oryx


about us

     We recently acquired a herd of about 50 scimitar horned oryx.  Through various methods, we've grown this herd to over 300 with lots of babies!

     Our management methods allow us to now attempt to launch a philanthropic project to educate and conserve this precious ungulate.

     Although there is a growing debate about hunting and whether hunters may be called conservationists, this website and our mission is not to sell hunts.  While we do not oppose hunting this species, no hunts are offered here.  If you look through this website, you may find differing opinions about hunting, conservation, etc.

     Although financial contributions/charity are always necessary, those are not our present goals and we're not equipped to handle such affairs.  This website may be able to direct you to some charities/etc that may accept your contributions.








